Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A long....Long week!!!

It's Wednesday ......
I am so done! What can't it be Friday already..... ?

My kids have been Horrific(!) this week.... And I have been getting up
at 4am to take jon to work since we are down to one car now. That
leaves me with about 41/2 hours of sleep at night because it takes mr
SO LONG to get comfortable at night now!!! ( thanks baby!)
I'm spent....
The end....(please)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Blogging from email

Does this work?
Let's see....

Friday, April 24, 2009


as the baby actually being outside of my tummy is drawing nearer.....
we have to start making the choices that are hard....
one being immunizing. What to do what to do.....
I'll be honest, I do not fully support the whole shot thing......
Oh i think some of them are okay........but there are so many things you are pumping into your babies body.....and i REALLY don't think its that good. How could it be?
I work with children with disabilities every day......and of course i wonder why there seems to be so many children with issues these days.
Most people think that its a paranoid mindset to think it has anything to do with the shots. And i do think that it can be taken to far. But.....I do think it plays a role.
I don't want to do full least as of now....
I don't know....however....if i want to pick and chose them......
or rule them out all together......
its such a big thing.....
the more i research it though.....the less thrilled i am about it.
Lord help us do what is right.....

Friday, April 24th

Its a beautiful day........but its nap time and i'm stuck inside.
We are going to Yakima tonight for Danielle and matts wedding.....
so we get to see everyone....(its been a while so i'm excited to see my Abby girl)
But i'm also faced with the problem of having nothing to wear! ahhh i biggie right.....i just don't want to look like a slob for the wedding and the people i haven't seen in forever. oh gosh.....why should it even matter:P it shouldn't.....

okay so lets see.....I'll be 19 weeks on sunday......
Baby is a gymnist:P
Midwife told me i was huge:P
I measure 23 so i'm big:P but i knew that already.
Found heartbeat AS SOON as they put the doppler on me....
said baby IS VERY large and healthy.....
which is WONDERFUL ......but i can't help thinking that that huge baby has to come out of me at some point:P .......outch
I have more energy......
but now my belly is RUNNING INTO EVERYTHING!!
small animals can sleep on top of my tummy now....
I can easily rest objects....such as laptops......on my belly with no effort whatsoever:P
Ultrasound is May 6th.....can't wait!
Jons getting so excited....
I told him i've held out on shopping until then,.....then i get to buy SOMETHING!
still think its gunna be a boy.....
still dont' know what i want
just not at the same time:P
I actually have been asked by more than a few ppl if i'm having twins......
and even though that would be a possibility......
oh goodness......
ones enough for now thanks

Friday, April 10, 2009

Pregnancy as of week.....16

I am almost finished with week feels like i should be so much further along. But I think that has to do with having to relive weeks i thought were already over. oh well. we are getting there. It is pretty awesome to think we are almost half way though...

So updates?

I feel my baby now.....that is SO wonderful!! Its so much easier to feel it there than wonder about it all the time. Sometimes its soft and fluttery.....(I'm not sure fluttery is really the way i would explain it.....but its close enough.....its kinda how bubbles feel after you jump into a pool and the bubbles rush along your body to get to the surface) sometimes its harder....and it feels like its scratching my insides:P Oh and he....(NO i don't know its a he....but because of my husband calling it a i do to)
hates church bells:P it makes him jump every time:P

Our next appointment is april 22.....its at that appointment that we will make the appointment for the ultrasound. He...(Dr. somthingorother) is really easy to get in with usually so i'm hoping its only a few days after our regular checkup!!!!!!!!!!! i can't wait!
So what is it? I don't know. I think i'm more sure with other pregnancies that with my own:P (like for swingrovers for instance......i swore it was a boy:P) I have said from the beginning that it was a girl........but i think i just hold to that because i'm stubborn :P same reason my husband continues to swear its a boy! I say its a girl but it just doesn't sit right.....I don't know.

SO....heres what I'll say: If its a boy i wont be surprised at all.......BUT if its a girl i would be surprised i was right........
I asked jon what he honestly thought it was....all stubborness aside.....he says he really believes it a girl deep down. So i don't know......
it just bothers me that i don't know yet
i don't do well with secrets:P

my belly is getting huge:P I can rest it on counters now......and it seems to catch all my food.
my dog actually can sleep on my belly shelf now.
I feel like I am huge compaired to people who are similar weeks......
but i'm guessing because i'm so short and have a short middle:P baby is going straight out and down:P
I'm just now starting to gain weight though....which is odd because i've gotten so much bigger but haven't gained weight. I lost about 20 lbs at the beginning of the pregnancy and then the baby sucked all the fat out of every part of my body and took it to my tummy. Its SO true that baby changes your body.........but i honestly think i like this way i wasn't to fond of my boyish figure beforeP

I LOVE having a belly.....i cant keep my hands off of it......its comforting just to hold it:P

people are starting to rub my belly now....its a little weird...but kinda fun.

uhm lets is the size of an orange out last appointment its heart rate was 155:P Its very much alive and healthy....praise God:P

anyway i guess i'm done blabbering work to do...