Thursday, May 21, 2009

On the road again.... Finally....

So I'm on the very tippy top of snowqualmie pass right now.... It's a
lovely day.
My hubby is driving like crazy person all the while yelling at the
voice talking to him on his iPhone.
He has become a mark lavin(sp?) junkie lately.
I personally don't care for the guy.
We r on our way to Idaho.....
Last time we were there it was to tell everyone we were prego.... So
it's been since January. I am definately ready to go back for a
visit. I miss ppl:(

Lentsch family news:
Baby boy has a name now.... Whoohoo
Twenty three weeks this weekend....( they saystill don't believe em)
Appointment was yesterday and both of us are still measuring large:)
However I was happy when they made
Me step on the scale and I only gained 1 1/2 lbs in a month..... Ahhh
and yet I'm twice as big:) at lease I know it's baby and not fat.

Still no news about the Portland job....
( yes we may move this summer)
We shall see.... Lord willin it will work.

I talked with my midewife and she said there is an awesome midwifery
service down there thatshe knows.... She could set t all up AND they
specialize in water births!! So that will ease my mind to know the
doctor thing won't be an issue.
Okay getting car s idk... Gotta go

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The ups and downs....

Ahhh pregnancy..... It's a beautiful/ horrid thing.
My poor body... While never being gorgeous to begin with...... Will
never see better days.....
I'm a hairy, stretch marked, water retaining, aching mess.
But there's a promise of a baby at the end that makes it worth while....
today I am going for a mommy-to-be massage.... A lovely mothers day
present from my wonderful hubby...
Ahhh 4 more more months:)
It still is rather wonderful though... Don't get me wrong.... I just
feel like I've been prego forever now:)
Okay back to work..

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Our son.....

Well.... It's a boy .... Most definately a boy... In fact it's one of
the first things the doctor said while looking at him. His other words
included "he's her healthy" "perfect" and " hes a big boy!"
Music to our ears....
I'm thrilled..I knew it ...
Jon is beside himself.....
I love the way he stops and gets teary eyed every time he says the
words "my son".
Thank you Lord!
I just want him now!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Just two days...

Just 2 ........ 2 days till we (hopefully) find out what baby bob
is:) I can't wait!
I am so not patient!!! I'm glad I don't have to wait till the end....
I would go crazy!
The hospital called today.... They wanted to bump me up 2 hours ...
The receptionist remembers me and laughed when she said she thought
I'd be happy cause she knew I really really want to know:)
So yep....
I hope baby cooperates!!!