I hate contractions!
It's been every night this week.....
And they r not the cute little...
"oh look..... My tummy feels hard" contractions.
They freaking hurt!
Yay..... Can't wait till they get worse!!
Friday, July 31, 2009
My thoughts for today
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 10:11 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
baby update week 32...( or 33....34...35... Who the hell knows)
Doctors appointment: Monday July 27, 2009 1:00p.m.
Walk in waiting room... See favorite receptionist... Talk to the other
Pay copayment (whoopie....not) and move along to the bathroom to pee
in the cup... A task which women were never meant to do.
Snobby nurse comes to get me.....
Scale time.... My favorite! ( cough)
That can't be right?!?!?!?
"water wieght" I'm reassured....
"your puffy"
Well gee thanks I think!
Feeling rather large and complicated we make our way to the room....
Blood pressure:ok
Natalie!!! My favorite midwife:)
"your much bigger" says she
"it happens" says I
Let's measure....
Eyes pop!!!
"um.... Do u feel like he's dropped?!"
Me:"oh most definately.... Try moving a house with a head between your
"well..... He has most definately dropped....A LOT...... It's pretty
early for him to be that low"
Me:" well just maybe....we are not that early ...,, like I've been
saying all along"
Her:" that is most definately a possability!"
Now I enjoy a bit of my " I told u so " moment
Her:" we could definately be having this baby sooner than we thought!"
Doppler: HR 140... Good boy
Runs from the darn thing every time...
Talk peds....alt. Vaccine schedule.... Recommend local naturalpath....
Not a freaky one
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 6:23 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 27, 2009
My thought for today...
..... My thought for today :
Why must it be so f#%*^%~¥ hot?!?!?
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 10:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 24, 2009
We are moved.... Officially....
Though there are still many boxes.... Still overflowing with stuff. My
favorite ones being those random boxes that just end up being a giant
junk drawer. They save time in the beginning.... But certainly not
the end!
My mother painted the nursery yesterday...... It's is now a beautiful
shade of Green for our Jaden boy:)
So.... Today I get to start setting up the nursery !!!!! I have felt
so deprived up till now! I knew we would be moving so all that cute
little baby stuff just stayed in boxes and bags till now.
I'm excited
Almost giddy
Let the nesting begin!
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 6:24 AM 1 comments
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Pictures...( well no..... Just picture)
Dad and I up at mount baker comparing bellies:) I am 30 weeks 4 days (or 33 weeks 2 days)
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 10:53 PM 3 comments
Have house.....
Have regained some sanity because of it.....
Still pregnant....
Have lost a lot of sanity because of it....
Moving starting Wednesday.....
Paint nursery......( well not ME)
No living in car.....
Have 6-9 weeks leftish of prego belly....
Have another shower soon....
Happy to set up for baby Finally....
Happy now....
Not so much stress.....
I hate moving.....well
I hate packing/ moving out ....
I like unpacking/ moving in....
It's hot....
I'm fat.....
Getting fatter....
And hotter.......
But it's okay.....
Just some thoughts
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 10:49 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Moving out of the ghetto...
So it would seem we are taking the monster house.... I am glad about
I am glad for a number of reasons:
1. This no longer means we will have to live out of our car and
scavenge through fast food dumpsters after hours.
2. I am quite sure that the space of a house would be a little more
desirable to jon an I once baby comes..... I would think the car would
get a little cramped.
3. I would no longer have to mow my lawn with a a aweful pushmower
from the 50's.....( on more attempt to be Eco friendly that is NOT
worth it)
4. This would be the first time...( and notice my attempts of this not
sounding aweful of me)......that Jon and I will have lived in a town
that was not (almost) strictly Hispanic. I dont speak Spanish....
It's not a good fit.....gosh I'm from north Idaho...not used to
diversityr. What do you exspect? That by no means suggests that I am
not for diversity...... I most certainly am..... Though it seems the
last few years have been not so diverse and very strictly Hispanic.
Which.... Is only one.
5.everything nicely withing walking distance....aplus for baby and I.
6.this is just one more absolutely possitive way that shows how well
the Lord provides for our needs!
1.the packing and moving
2. Further away from our birthplace
3. The packing and moving
4. Still having to scrape for pennies ( yes I know this will never end)
5. The packing and moving
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 6:44 AM 1 comments
Monday, July 13, 2009
life....according to a stressaholic
It seems to me that when God wants to throw you a trial......they come in twos or threes.
As of now we have about 13 days to come up with a place to live...and be 100% moved out of our current place. I guess this wouldn't seem like so much if it didn't happen to fall on top of being pregnant. I have to pack in shifts, evidently this pregnancy thing takes your energy or something:P I can only manage an hour or two at a time before i have to go sit down and eat a snack and drink about 5 gallons of water to get myself in working order again.
We have found a possible place in Anacortes....
it looks like a monster from "Where the Wild Things Are"
very 70's but fun too.....a typical coastal beach house. I like the idea of living on the water now.....I know Mount Vernon isn't to far away but it feels like it. Its smaller though.....but i don't think i'll go crazy....burlington is only about 20 minutes away.
We went to look at the place on Sunday.....and met with the current residents AND the landlords. The landlords.....Don and Pinky.....are in their mid 60's i would guess.....and the total grandma and grandpa type. They have already invited us to their farm to pick veggies from the garden and get fresh eggs. They are very cute and seemingly awesome landlords.
Our big problem with house hunting has been our two dogs. All the cheaper places around here are in the college towns.....which means no pets because they dont want the college students to have them. Which i understand....but I would like to think us a little more responsible:P One place we checked out wanted $1000.00 PER pet NONREFUNDABLE deposit. outrageous.
these people love animals.....and require NO deposites other than security......
we can paint...
we have a garden....
the neighbors are retired nursary owners so the place is brimming with beautiful flowers that I cant kill:P but can still enjoy.....
even though this is cheaper than the place we are in now.....
its is not as cheap as we would like....
and will be a stretch for a little while.
so we need to make up our mind....
to take it or not to take it.....
I don't know....
I find myself compairing every other place to this one now.....
but is it worth it?
will it be a mistake if we take it....?
or a mistake if we dont?
Oh Lord help these scatter-brained people!
It may not sound like that big of deal....
but it is.....
and has been
and i would like to not be living in our car when Jaden comes.....
just small things like that worry me...
more prayers please!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
quick update: no portland as of right now
so yes.....
it has been forever since I have been on here.....
Life has consistantly been crazy.....so i'll try to sum in all up as best and as quickly as i can.
29 1/2 weeks prego (by docs schedule)
Jon did not get the job he was hoping for in Portland....
although there may be another shot.
at this point we are just planning on staying here at least for another year....
we still need to find a new place no matter what is happening because we need something cheaper.
yes that does mean i am still unemployed....
and probably will be till after baby.
so......house hunting....
and since it is sooo hard to find a place in this town.....cheap place....thats not ghetto......and where you will not get stabbed while you sleep....we may be moving to Bellingham....
which isn't that far away.....and will not make that much difference in commute time for Jon as our rounds while I was working IN TOWN had us covering about 50 miles a day! In town...thats so dumb.
we are trying to figure it all out....
we need to tell our current landlord we are leaving by the end of the week.....
no pressure or anything.
did i mention i hate packing........
and that is never having done it while prego.
oh well at least its cool....
if anyone wants to help..........
feel free:P
okay gotta run....
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 3:32 PM 0 comments