I've been told many times in the past that is pretty common that
bigger babies are never full. That they will eat and eat and
eat........ Almost consistantly....... All day.
Now I see that is true.
My son loves to eat....... Loves it. He does it well and he does it
often. We are able to tell the difference now between "I want boobie"
and "I NEED boobie" in his pleas......
But the "I need" comes often.
It's okay
My body is trying to keep up.
But...... There is something he does that makes
Up for those bellows of hunger.
Every time he eats he intertwines his fingers and crosses his arms on
his chest just below his chin.
Its so stinking cute
Monday, September 28, 2009
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 10:13 AM 2 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
True,sleep has been lacking greatly in our lives. And that has more or
less sucked. Because......
Nit only is it sleep depervation.....BUT...... A very angry screaming
little boy.
For hours....
Especially in the hours between 1-4 am
We hate gas.
The last two nights...
No screams.....
No gas.....
Just happy sleeping baby:)
Which means.....
Happy sleeping mommy
And happy sleeping daddy....
It's a win win win.
Thank you God!
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 10:32 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The story.....
Okay so some people have asked for the low down as far as the birth
goes......and right now I'm riding in the car with a sleeping baby who
loves his car seat(praise God) .... So I actually have two hands:)
Okay so it all started last Sunday night (9/13) ..... I started to
feel very sick and feverish.... Lucky for me I was at church and
having to be social...ugh.
Went home and crawled into bed at about 10:30....
Woke up at 12:30am with bad contractions..... Though still
tollerable..... At this point they were about 15 minutes apart so I
could fall asleep in between.....
About 1:30 I started having a bloody show.....( lovely baby thing I
Contractions continued..... Harder and closer together..... However at
this point I'm still in total denial....... After all it could be
hours or it could be days.... So why get your hopes up. Jon went to
work at 6:30 on the agreement that I call the midwife at 8. At this
point contractions are about 6-8 minutes apart.
Called midwife.... She laughed and said to get to the birthing center
asap. I tested possitive for GBS so I needed my IV.
So.... I called jon and he came home right away. And then my worst
fear happened...( well my worst fear at this point in time) my
contractions totally stopped cause I got excited. Ugh
They checked me at the hospital still only 1 cm and 80%.
So they made me walk for an hour to see if I progressed at all
....or they tried until the fire drill started and we were locked in
the triage room ...( needless to say it's hard to get any walking done
in a 4x4 room)
Fire alarm stopped
We walked in the halls for 5 minutes....
I layed back down.....
She prepped to check me.....
And WHOOPS!!!!! My water broke right there on the table..... And
so.... Even though they would have sent me home home for lack of real
substantial progress.... They now had to keep me and start gbs
My contractions picked up again and stayed about 4 minutes apart but
got much mire intense and lasted about 1 1/2 minutes.
I LOVED the day shift nurses.... They rocked. My triage nurse I knew
from a womens retreat with our church..... I loved her. My replacement
Nurse/ lactation consultant was the most wonderful person. She was
totally supportive with us..... She said the reason she did her jon
was because of people like us who wanted to do everything naturally.
Okay so iv time.... They put me on fluids too. I'm a hard draw so this
took two nurses then a specialist to find anything.
My parents are currently speeding down i90 from idaho hoping to make
it on time.... They did.....around 730pm.
It started getting really hard right after that..... On a pain scale
I'd say about a 9..... Just because later..... The really painful part
is sooo far past describable pain that on a scale of 1 to 10..... It's
about a 120!!!
Hmmm.... K so I went in the bath......ugh.....it was nice for a while.
Cold though.
Didn't last long ......I spent most of my time in my hands and
knees.... It was the most comfortable I could be...,either that or
standing up.
Around 9 pm I was starting to lose my mind.
They started to be concerned about his heartrate and continually
monitored him with the fetal monitor...... Damn things wouldn't stay
and the nurse fussed with it constantly .( new shift of nurses
now..... I hated them)
Tried the tub again...... This is about when I hit the NAP
stage.....things calmed down a little and I fell asleep between
contractions .
And then.....
I Had to push......NOW!!!!!
But they wouldn't let me...... They told me to "breath through it" and
not push for over 2 hours.....
That....was hands down....the worst pain I have ever felt in my life.
They becamed very concerned with his size at this point....his head
was also slightly cocked so he was having a hard time coming down. I
never did stop pushing like they told me to....I couldn't . Funny
thing is that the nurse kept saying "don't push....but whatever your
doing....it's working ". Hah! I WAS pushing! Dumb nurse
Once they finally let me push it was another two hours..... His heart
rate went crazy and theynput an internal fedal monitor on his head...
I hated that..... But..... Whatever
Something horrid about seeing something screwed into your babies head.
They started threatening c-cection now cause try didn't think he would
fit..... That pissed me off and with what sanity I had left ( which
mind you wasn't hardly any.... I couldn't speak or really move at this
point.... Just scream.) I cried out to God....asking him to just let
my baby be okay and that I could do this. And then He made it
Then they were worried about bad tearing ..... Which I did but didn't
have to get cut....
Then they were worried about his shoulders breaking..... They didn't.
And then...... Pushing was over( mind you pushing was the best part of
the whole thing..... So not as painful as contractions!!!!)
They told me to reach down and pull out my baby..... I really didn't
think I'd actually have to pull... But I did.......
My child was huge! I was shocked!! They kept saying "oh he's not that
big" and I kept saying " look at his hands! He IS huge"
He was beautiful.... Well to me...... His poor little head was
sooosqjished and bruised from the journey.......and he had the most
vernix I have ever seen on a baby......i actually left hand prints on
his back.....
So there was my little man.....Jaden Ray Lentsch
Born at 4:20 am.... Yes 4:20....September 15th, 2009
He was huge...9lb 9oz. 21 1/2 inches
38cm head...... Yeah38!!!!! And you only dialate to 10! Yeah! I do
feel a bit of pride having done it 100% natural:)
He is sooo beautiful and I love him so very very much....
I also love my husband more than ever.... There is no way I could have
done it without him.... No way! And to see him be a father to our son
is incredible......
God has blessed me with a wonderful little family.
Since then it's been rough...... Getting into things with my nocturnal
baby:) but every day gets a little better and we get a bit more sleep.
The moral of the story.....
It sucked but it was all worth it!
I'm in love:)
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 5:09 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 17, 2009
A mommy.....?.........huh
Well it's real!
He's here.
The most beautiful little miracle I have ever seen!
It still has not totally set in that he's mine though....
I'm in love
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 9:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Due date #2
Here we are...
September 10th, 2009....
No baby still of course....
That's okay though.
I called the hospital yesterday to double check who the midwife on
call this week is..... And it is indeed Dr. Evil.
So I am perfectly content to wait till Monday for baby to make his way
out..... And from there we have two weeks before she is on again.
My favorite midwife is on call the 16th- 20th..... So next weekend
would be great:)
If we go off this due date ( and the average length of pregnancy being
41weeks + 1 day) then next friday should be the day.... That would be
Next week (the 16th) is our anniversary......... Which is a day we
don't want him to arrive on........... But seeing as how stubborn he
seems already.... It wouldn't surprise me:)
I am okay with going into labor on Wednesday though:)
So yep.... Waiting till Monday at least I hope.....
We shall fall into Dr. Evil's grasp!
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 2:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The check up (and midwife) from hell....
Okay so want the story? Here goes...
Today was my 38 week appointment. Theyblasr few have gone great and I
was exspecting this one to be the same. I was meeting with
Lynnette.... One of the three midwives..... Who is usually always
pretty nice.
The three of them differ greatly.....
Lynnette is the short and curt one.... Very to the point but no real
bedside manor....
Mary is the bubbly grandma type who skirts around questions as to not
get herself in trouble..... Her bedside manor is pretty good
And Natalie.... My favorite..... Who is right in the middle of those
two..... Will tell me the truth and respect me at the same time.... I
LOVE her!!!
Needless to say she is the one i've seen the least.... Of course
So I get there today and was taken right back..... Good blood pressure
AND I've
Leveled out on the weight gain....finally! ( that makes final count 48
lbs gained since December ......ugh)
Waited for her....
She opens the door with a "oh hi..... It's you...hmmmm"
"What the hell does that mean?" I'm thinking?!?!?
She asked me how I'm doing.....
And interupted me before I could answer.....
She said " your done aren't you"
( this is a question that they all ask and then chew u out if u tell
the truth)
Of course I said yes....
I got
She asked how things were.....
I Told her all that's been happening...
She lectured me that "that's all normal"
I said "yeah I know..... That's why your hearing about it now.... Not
a week ago"
My other midwife
To tell lynnette to check me..... Cause they want to keep an eye in me
cause I'm measuring big...
She butched sooo much about this.... Then I got in trouble...
She threw the sheetnon my lap and told me to get on the table....
First measurement: 40 1/2 cm
Same really
Heartbeat: 140...just fine
"spread your legs"
Pushes full force on my legs....
Complains and mumbles to herself about how rediculous this check is...
:::::::::TMI moment here::::::
She gloved up and off we go...
( mind u I had this dine last week by a different calmer pleasanter
person... And it didn't hurt at all!!!!! It's a little different when
there's anger behind those fingers!!!!)
It frickin hurt!
Then she was mad cause I was tense..... I told her it was becuase she
was being rough!
She said my cervix was to high To reach
..... Facinating I though.... Since it want last week for the chick
with shorter fingers! Maybe my body is running away from u!!!
She tried a sweep... Well she said she I'd but I don't see how.....
She only attempted for about 1/2 a second.....
Mumbled to herself
Then began pushing down HARD on my babies head to make him lower.
I hates this.
Baby really hated this.
I told her to stop
She barked right back that it was my fault vise I told her to check
Well hello... No... I didn't
I was more dialated..... Don't know effacemen or station cause I wa to
busy trying to rescue myself.
She looked at our
Birthplan...... Complained about everything on it....
I asked what was wrong...
She said nothing.... It was just a waste of time cause they did/
didn't do all those things anyway.
I politely said I didn't care... Unwanted it On paper.
I Said thank you ask she left....
She grunted and said "yeah"..... And left
I pulled
Back together and tried hard not to cry........ Cause I don't cry......
Until I got to the car at least:)
Moral of the story...... Jaden can't come this weekend cause she is on
call.... I think.
And I DONT want to have anything to do with her anymore.
And if I have to go to my appointment on the 29th (oh God please
noooo!!!) I am changing my appointment..... I will not see her again.
Goodbye Lynnette G.
Wish I could say it's been pleasant....but.....
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 8:47 PM 2 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
I'm done
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 2:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
37 week check up... Yes more baby stuff
Okay so today was my 37 week check up. It went better than exspected.
There were ups and downs however.
DOWN: I failed my GBS test..... So iv and early hospital run for me...
Woohoo..... I'm not worried about it though. Even though I rather not
have to.... I'd rather my baby no get sick. So it's totally worth it.
Ups: though they usually don check u till 39 or 40 weeks my midwife
wanted to check my progress because I am measuring 40 weeks and we
know the baby is engaged and big....
So she did....
I am only 1cm so no big whoop there....
But I'm 50% effaced and between a -2 and -1 station.
She said they didn't want me to go to 40 weeks if we can help it
because he's big and they wanna make sure he can fit! Nice words to
hear from ur midwife I know.
She said she seriously doubts I'll make it that long...... But If I
did I may have to be induced.
She also said she wouldn't be surprise if she saw me this weekend:)
So ........ I am taking it all with a grain of salt.......
But I must admit I am still happy to know we r making some progress.
Come baby come.... Any time:)
Posted by Lyssa Rae at 9:17 PM 0 comments