Monday, December 14, 2009

Three months ago I was....

Yep. That's right. It's been 3 months. Almost. Three months ago right
now I was just about ready to die. And. Also. Believed I might. That
pain is but a distant memory now. Praise God!
But my little guy is not so little anymore.
He actually rather giant like.
Our recient achievements have included rolling over ( my this I mean
he's actually doing it more consistantly now..... He began this last
Grabbing things and putting them in his mouth.
Keeping his hands in his mouth.
Always. Always with the slobbery hands in the mouth.
Having the strenth to sit up by himself.... Though we are wobbley.
New sounds
A facination with food
A new cry quite unlike
The little baby cry that shall I say.... Very
annoying...and henceforth....very effective)
No more wobbley head

He's quite the little man now. Very very sure of himself as well.
We love him.
Who wouldn't
He's pretty awesome.

A society raised on lies

Overthe last year I have pretty much only blogged about pregnancy and
babies. And while that is pretty much the theme of my life..... I do
still have a mind which I on occation use.
Lately I've come across some pretty interesting and some pretty gross
things involving childhood education and indoctrination. First being a
post from this blog which I posted on facebook (
) talking about the book " why mommy is a democrat" and how they
save the world. Democrats aren't satans minions. But really. This is
I had a conversation with my mother (who is a teacher currently
teaching my old preschool /kindergarten class back in Idaho) who was
telling me of some fourth grade material on "safe homosexual sex" with
illustrated how-tos on fisting. Really. First of all... O MY GOSH! I
do not and would never want my fourth grader hearing these things.
But..... I refuse to be dumb. I know that fourth graders are more
informed and exsperianced at their age than I probably was at 16.
( sad) but really. Who gets of thinking it's okay to teach any child
of any age this stuff. And that it's the schools place to do so.
Crappity crap.
I am a parent now.
So I can say this with ferver.
I'll be damned if I let the world indoctrinate my son in this way.