Friday, April 24, 2009


as the baby actually being outside of my tummy is drawing nearer.....
we have to start making the choices that are hard....
one being immunizing. What to do what to do.....
I'll be honest, I do not fully support the whole shot thing......
Oh i think some of them are okay........but there are so many things you are pumping into your babies body.....and i REALLY don't think its that good. How could it be?
I work with children with disabilities every day......and of course i wonder why there seems to be so many children with issues these days.
Most people think that its a paranoid mindset to think it has anything to do with the shots. And i do think that it can be taken to far. But.....I do think it plays a role.
I don't want to do full least as of now....
I don't know....however....if i want to pick and chose them......
or rule them out all together......
its such a big thing.....
the more i research it though.....the less thrilled i am about it.
Lord help us do what is right.....


Lindsey said...

Dr. William Sears' book The Vaccine Book has a very reasonable perspective.

Lyssa Rae said...

Speaking of books.... I heard you got a few crappy suggestions :)

Jewel said...

I always like Dr. Sears. Honestly if I were you I would read and preferably stuff in print not stuff off the internet, pray, have faith and then go with what you feel comfortable with.

And be aware that there are very opinionated people on either side of this heated debate. I know you're a sensitive sort, so know that you don't have to share your ultimate decision with everyone:)