Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Good morning Wednesday, is that you? Pardon me Wednesday, you looked
the same as Tuesday, and also remarkably like Monday. Hmmm.
If you had told me a month ago that I would still be redoing on the
couch, that my child would still be just as fussy, and would have not,
to date, slept anywhere but on people. I may have cried. I may still
It is true, you can not claim "tired" until you have had a
newborn .... There have been days where I forget my childs name or
call him bentley...(our dogs name)... Not because I forget my sons
name...oh no... Simply because my brain is so far gone that really,
I'm lucky to come up with any name at all.
I feel like the crazy cat lady from the simpsons.....and at
times...look remarkably like her as well!
Many people have been asking me as of late when it is I plan on
returning to work. Hah! Right! As if I have even had the time or brain
power to think of such things! Simply put... I am so not ready and
intend not to be ready till next year. That being said I will be
finding a job in which my son may accompany me. Hard yes. Impossible
no. Having worked in a daycares and ECEC's, I would neversend my child
to one if I didn't have to! That being said, I admire those who
return to work after 6 weeks of maternity leave. Not because I envy
you, oh no, it's because I realized what a truely crazy thing it is.
If I would have still been employed at my last job I would have
actually gone back to work this week. I am SO glad I didn't have to.
Now please don't get me wrong...there is a difference between needing
and wanting to go back to work. So basically I'm 6 ( or
whatever) weeks are up and u detest having to return to prebaby life
already, your okay by me.
Jaden has come to REFUSE his pacifier now....after we had such a love
for it....AND after such tramatic life events have happened that
warranted it's use more than ever. Instead though, my son has resorted
to fist sucking or more often, forearm sucking. This is very loud and
juicy, and leaves faint hicky marks on his arm. A skill I'd rather he
not yet aquire.
There was more was going to say...but appearently my mind is hiding it
from does playvtjose silly games often now.
So for now....


Lindsey said...

At least if he's sucking on his fingers/arm he can't spit them out and demand that you return it to him immediately like the pacifier! There's that, right?

Aw, good luck.