Monday, September 28, 2009


I've been told many times in the past that is pretty common that
bigger babies are never full. That they will eat and eat and
eat........ Almost consistantly....... All day.
Now I see that is true.
My son loves to eat....... Loves it. He does it well and he does it
often. We are able to tell the difference now between "I want boobie"
and "I NEED boobie" in his pleas......
But the "I need" comes often.
It's okay
My body is trying to keep up.
But...... There is something he does that makes
Up for those bellows of hunger.
Every time he eats he intertwines his fingers and crosses his arms on
his chest just below his chin.
Its so stinking cute


Lindsey said...

Cute! Soren holds his hands on either side of his face, making it impossible to see if he's latching properly. It'd be cute if it weren't so darn impossible. It's cute when he's already latched. It's not as cute when he's popping it back up over and over and it blocks my view. :)

Lyssa Rae said...

Little man:)
these little people certainly have their quirks:)
Jaden also constantly pinches himself in the face then gets mad at me for doing it.