Monday, November 2, 2009

Already a day late

Someone....who does not even read my blog.....challenged me to write a
blog every day this month. Now...we all know that us not going to
I suppose.
The problem being....I don't think I have that much to write about....

Today is Monday. I hate Mondays. See it is possible to not have to get
up, get ready then drive to work and STILL hate Mondays. I hate it
cause one the weekends my husbands home, we see people, do things, or
even just stay home and cuddle on the couch watching movies. On
Mondays....jon goes back to work and my other life starts. Now...I am
not so insecure that I need social interaction 24/7......that's not
it.....what it is......
This means jon works then comes home for dinner....and you
husband is blessed with the gift of sleep. A superpower really. This
enables him to fall asleep ANYTIME....almost
instantly...and sleep HARD and sleep LONG! This isn't his fault
really...he was actually genetically predisposed to this. If you've
never seen a Lentsch in their natural connot fully
comprehend this.(In becoming a Lentsch....sadly.... I did not inherit
this superpower)
That being said I shall not see my husband till Saturday afternoon....
And a week is a long time to go without grownup interaction.
I shall miss sanity till then ...

Meanwhile...I spend day after day with the second most lovable guy in
my life. He has every boy does....the joys of passing
gas......and always ends a good round with a large smile and a
rambling of happy sounds which cannot at this time be dubbed as
laughing or talking....but very happy none the less.
Boys... efforts to speak my son has formed a very peculiar way of
trying..... He sucks air in really hard to talk instead of letting it
out like normal people. It sounds something like....."gaaaaaa-----
Not unlike his cry for food....

It's quite comical really.

Today I go for an eye exam...since being pregnant totally distroyed
what little I had left of my vision.
I shall like to see again
Now I'll once again be able to read signs while I drive .
However my husband may not be home like we planned...which means I may
be taking my grumpy child with me. I have no idea how that's going to
go down...
Stand by


Lindsey said...

Ga, I thought it was just my imagination that my vision got worse during and after pregnancy. Maybe not!

Like a month's worth of blogs just showed up in my blog reader from you and two others I follow: so annoying. My first thought was, "Oh, Alyssa's been busy today!" Nope. Just blogger being a little slow. :)